February 25, 2025
Exciting Real-World Learning at JA BizTown for Our 5th & 6th Graders! Last week, our 5th and 6th-grade students embarked on an unforgettable learning adventure at JA BizTown...
February 6, 2024
As part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining a healthy and safe school environment, we're sharing vital information on bedbug and lice. Bedbug info: https://5il.co/2eajw L...
January 16, 2024
In preparation for winter weather, you can find more information regarding Flexible Instruction Days at the website linked here: https://5il.co/2ch1z

May 25, 2023
There have been many fun and exciting things going on here the past week or so! We have enjoyed seeing our students engaging in fun and interactive assemblies and events. Between ...

May 17, 2023
Over the weekend, we had some of our students participate in a 5k race called Girls on the Run! After many weeks of practice, our girls were able to run the race that they worked ...

May 16, 2023
We are so proud of our 5th grade musicians as they return from District IV's Chorus Fest! Our four featured singers took the stage along with other talented musicians from around ...
May 15, 2023
In a race to get the answer of ‘24,’ our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students took the challenge of using their quick math skills to add, subtract, multiply and divide to be among one...

May 1, 2023
Last Friday, some of our very own 6th grade tigers got to take their musical talents all the way to West Branch High School where they met up with other top musicians in the a...

March 27, 2023
Have you ever wondered how you could use your story to make a difference? Well, our assembly speaker, Jim “Basketball” Jones, has done just that. From being diagnosed with dyslexi...

March 16, 2023
On March 15th, 2023, students of the EJES fifth grade class got the opportunity to visit the Mifflin County Academy of Science and Technology. This field trip allowed the students...

March 13, 2023
During the week between February 27th-March 7th, kids all across the country engage in a celebration of reading to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Seuss - our school was no except...

December 9, 2022
Our 5th and 6th grade students participated in the EJES spelling bee this week. To qualify students were given a spelling test and the top 20 students from both the 5th and 6th ...

December 9, 2022
Ms. Loy, our school counselor, is teaching our 5th and 6th grade students skills through BizTown that will prepare them for the workforce. BizTown combines in-class learning ...

November 18, 2022
EJES has has a great time this week with our Penny Wars. Throughout the week classes brought pennies into their homerooms, we announced the totals each day, and then the following...

October 19, 2022
As our EJES Read-A-Thon comes to a close our students have read for 62,174 minutes. That's 1036 hours or 53 days of reading when you add all of the time up. Our top readers have b...

October 12, 2022
We are so proud of our Tigers and how well they are doing in our Read-A-Thon. So far students have read 48372 minutes. That's 806 hours and also equal to 33.5 days of reading in ...
July 13, 2020
The July 16, 2020 meeting of the Juniata County School District Board of Directors will be held at the administrative office building, 146 Weatherby Way, Mifflintown, beginning a...
June 23, 2020
This is NEW for all of us. Follow recommendations and guidelines. Ask Questions. Don’t jeopardize the district, yourself, our students, parents etc. Use your best judgment.
June 23, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented athletics across the world with a myriad of challenges concerning this highly contagious illness that primarily attacks the upper respiratory s...